Monday, September 10, 2007


We left for the trip to Northern Italy on Saturday, September 8th (our Anniversary! 6 years!) very early in the morning. We are taking a bus with the students to 5 cities in the North. First stop is Genoa, which is about 6 hours driving from Rome. We stopped for lunch in the Tuscan town of Lucca. Lucca is a medieval city surrounded by defensive walls. It was very charming. Unfortunately, we did not get to spend a lot of time there (only about an hour and 15 minutes) and literally ran through to see some of the sights and eat lunch before boarding the bus again. Here are a few things we did get a glimpse of:

San Michele in Foro - church with a tall facade decorated with colored marble and carved columns:

Torre Guinigi - tower famous for the trees which grow on top:

Piazza Anfiteatro - an oval space ringed with a series of houses built in the Middle Ages into the remains of a Roman ampitheater:

I wish we could have spent more time here. I would have liked to see the walls that surround the city and make it famous. It also had very good shopping and the food looked great as well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Di nuovo, felice anniversario!
In Turks & Caicos, did you ever dream you'd be in Lucca? Con Oliver?

amore, mamma