One year ago today my (not so) little baby was born. I cannot believe it has already been a year. I am just so proud of him and all he has accomplished in his first year. He went from this little blob that didn't know anything to a little boy who now is walking, talking (or trying to), and feeding himself. He is such a great little person who makes me smile and laugh out loud everyday. It is so much fun to see him get excited about the world around him and all of the new thing he sees and learns. Andy and I are very lucky parents. I love him very much! Happy Birthday Oliver!
One year ago:

12 months later, in Rome, at the Pantheon:

One year ago:

12 months later, in Verona, at Castelvecchio:

The family in Venice:

Happy Birthday Oliver! I can't believe it's been a year already. He's grown up so much. What a handsome boy:)! We miss you all and can't wait to see you at Christmas!
Jason, Kara and Kyle
Happy B-day little man!
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