Monday, August 20, 2007

The Quest

Some things are very easy, travelling with a baby, and then other things.......... not so much. Since our arrival we have been feeding Oliver in his stroller. This is a very messy ordeal considering he has become a self feeder (even though half of it ends up on the floor on purpose) and it has no tray. We were on a quest today to buy him a booster seat so that his stroller wouldn't become completely wrecked and he could actually join us at the table. This wasn't as easy as you think it would be. Italy doesn't have Bambinos 'R' Us. There are actually very few baby product stores here. After searching and searching, we were left with two options: a Farmacia (pharmacy) carrying baby products and a store called Prenatal. Both were clear across town. The Farmacia was closed when we got there so we headed to Prenatal. We finally found a booster seat there! Yay! Oliver was very happy when we got home and assembled it. He even christened it with a mushy banana.

Also on a good note: our car seat arrived this morning from Alitalia. It only took 5 days. Not bad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

così bambino felice!
amore, mamma